Sunday, July 8, 2012

Painting, panting.

Y'all may have noticed that it's been absurdly hot here in the mid-Atlantic region of late (and, what the heck, in most of the country, really)... yet I have been trying like mad to fight all of my worst urges to melt into an overheated puddle of despair, and instead to KEEP. PAINTING. So, here are a few things I've been up to, just bits and pieces - the first is a sketch done at a friend's studio yesterday, the next is a sneak detail of a larger piece (30"x40", I think) that I am finishing up for a show this October - more details soon!

suspense (sketch), 6"x6", oil on panel 

master of your universe (detail), 30"x40", oil on canvas


Daniel said...

That sketch is fantastic, Diane!

Diane Feissel said...

Aw, thanks so much, Daniel!