Friday, May 16, 2008


We did more exploring of Dublin today, Kaff, Alex and me. As a treat to the painter in our group, we visited the Hugh Lane Gallery and the relocated and eerily preserved studio of Francis Bacon. Slobby, yet lovely:
Not a cheery place to hang, overall pretty sobering: Kilmainham Gaol.
Wines, spirits, Ireland.
A view of Dublin from above, at the Guiness Storehouse:
Cutest couple known to mankind:
By the way, I think I may have found one of the (many?) reasons why British and Irish cuisine gets a bad rap; behold, Exhibit A:
"Brown sauce"-?? I mean, what the heck is that?? Sigh.
By the way, I sampled it to find out - and, well, it tastes brown. Decidedly.