Sunday, December 11, 2011

Art viewing, paintings brewing.

A couple of extremely brief trips up to NYC of late have rewarded with some excellent painting-viewing – though, of course, there’s a lot going on up there right now, and I didn’t even get around to half of it. A couple of weeks ago I caught the opening for Julio Reyes’ show at Arcadia Fine Arts. It was a fantastic show – his work is really quite amazing. Also, I had the pleasure of finally meeting in person Candice Bohannon Reyes (married to Julio), whose own paintings knocked my socks off at the Women Painting Women exhibition last November in Charleston, SC. Two very talented and hard-working painters, check out their work ASAP.

Dominion, 2010, oil on panel, 36" x 69", by Julio Reyes

I also finally got up to see the most recent show of friend and fellow Philly painter Alex Kanevsky, whose show at J. Cacciola was having a second opening reception, thanks to a mid-exhibition relocation on the part of the gallery. The space is great, and the work even better – check it out, it’s up through the end of December.

J.F.H. with Pigs, 2011, 5”x16”, oil on board, by Alex Kanevsky

 And as for me, I’m hunkered down here in the studio with my Liquin and my winter hat… finishing up commissions, and taking absolutely forever to work through some other painting projects. I do feel like it’s been a really long time since I’ve posted much of anything, though, so let me post a little sneak preview of a painting I’ve started of fellow Philadelphia artist Steve Layne, sculptor extraordinaire. This is a detail of a larger (18”x24”) piece I’m working on – stay tuned, folks. More Steve ahead:

Detail of an in-progress painting of sculptor Steve Layne

More soon!