Thursday, May 21, 2009

No St. Vincent. Oops.

So yesterday's post turned out to be a huge lie in that I didn't end up making it to St. Vincent after all... though I reeeally would have loved to see her live, I ended up spending last night getting caught up with a friend from high school who I hadn't seen in 20 years (auugh!!!) Yes, I am ancient. So, though I missed the concert the catching-up was totally worth it. Twenty years' worth of livin' takes a while to make up for. So, yay!

I meant to devote some time in yesterday's post to praise-heaping for my friend Alex's solo show at J. Cacciola Gallery show in Chelsea. His work is chronically divine, a transcendent experience for anyone who is in love with the violent beauty of paint. Did that make sense? Probably not. But his paintings, they make so much sense. Here's a peek:

These paintings by Alex Kanevsky.

Also nice was seeing another friend's painting in a group show over at Gallery Henoch:
This painting by David Graeme Baker; it looked absolutely lovely in person, both wispy and wistful in the best ways possible.

Today I am going to break from the art world temporarily to engage in crass, crappy, corrosively capitalistic commerce: it's SoHo or bust, baby. More soon.