Tuesday, April 29, 2008

L'appartement à Rue Dupin + Diane = contente.

My occasional Internet connection issues aside, I haven't mentioned much about the apartment I'm renting here in Paris, in the 6th arrondissement. And how much I love it. LOVE! IT! It's perfect, Diane-sized, and the only thing missing is one Mr. John Feissel. Otherwise, it's lovely. Did I mention it's located mere steps from Left Bank department store Le Bon Marché, along with its magnificent little sister next door, La Grande Epicerie? This provides much temptation, although I've managed so far to play it cool and not go nuts buying all manner of fancy foodstuffs/department store goods. It is hard to resist getting this water, though, and getting my fully hydrated bling on:

Hydramafizzation! Fo' shizzle! God, it is so unfortunate to find this in Paris. Do I need to mention that it's made in the U.S.? Probably not.

There's a Chinese restaurant right next to our front door, actually located underneath our building. Haven't tried it yet, but I'm a bit dubious as it offers not just Chinese but also Vietnamese and Thai food... their sheer lack of focus is a turnoff for me. So is this guy, he scares me a bit:

Here's some more from the apartment interior and building. I'm enjoying myself immensely and want to stay forever.
there's the space right outside the apartment, belongs to the neighbor across the hall
the stairwell/l'escalier
my feet on the ground.