John and I both had a mutual revelation of the earth-shattering variety this past week; we realized we have both misidentified the following dance as the "Mashed Potato" for years and years:
WRONG! That, of course, is the "Cabbage Patch," despite the fact it appears to have nothing to do with cabbages or their patches (or those freaky-looking dolls). I mean, come on! Doesn't that kind of look like what one does when one makes mashed potatoes? Kind of? And yet, this dance is the "Mashed Potato":
So what exactly does this spazzy movement have to do with mashed potatoes? Stomping grapes, maybe.
I'm wandering off to initiate a local chapter of the C.T.M.S.S.D.H.T.R.N. (Committee to Make Sure Stupid Dances Have the Right Names).