Sunday, July 11, 2010


I may have mentioned that I'm in the middle of a bazillion painting projects at the moment, no one of which is getting the time it deserves, alas. Here's one I think I haven't posted yet, a small-ish (16"x20") painting, insprired by a photo taken a couple of years ago when I made a quick visit to see some friends at an artists' retreat on the west coast of Ireland - County Mayo, I believe it was:
work in progress, tentatively titled the long road to someone else's home, oil on linen, by me.
Sorry for the crummy photo quality, btw, it's not that yellow-ish in real life - bad lighting. I'll post it again when I'm done and have taken a decent photo.
Speaking of mayo (sort of), this new place in our neighborhood called Kraftwork is completely rocking my world, and my palate: their herbed fries with mustard aioli are to die for. Mmmmm.